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Here you can Read your own Three's Company show.
This one is Called "ALL ABOUT CINDY"
It's about Cindy,Chrissy,and their other couin Carrie move in together.

All About Cindy #1 " The lucky Winner"
Plot-Cindy,Chrissy and their other cousin Carrie move in together
Scene 1- Carrie and Chrissy in their new apartment
Carrie-Thanks for inviting me to live with u.
Chrissy-Its the least we can do after Jeff left you for that other girl
Carrie-Chrissy,the reason he leave me was for a guy, not for a girl
Chrissy-Thats a stupid reason to leave u
(Cindy walks in)
Cindy-Guess what!(Trips over Carrie)
Cindy-Sorry Carrie, ill be more careful next time
Carrie-No, ill be more careful next time
Chrissy-Cindy, u should come with a seat belt! snort snort
Cindy-Where would i get one of those?
Carrie-Nevermind, whats the news?
Cindy-How'd u know i had news
Carrie-When u came in here u said u had news
Chrissy-Thats no fun, Carrie u ruined Cindys surprise!
Carrie-What surprise?
Chrissy-The one u guessed!
Carrie-I didnt guess any surprise!Chrissy forget it! Cindy, what happened today
Cindy-Well, i got up this morning and when i went to the bathroom there wasnt any toilet paper.
Carrie-Not what u did today, about the news
Chrissy-U said there was was no news
Carrie-Chrissy PLEASE!
Cindy-Thats what im trying to tell u! The toliet paper i bought had a contest on it that said win a million dollars
Carrie-And u won the million bucks?
Chrissy-Of course not, why would she win a million deer, she won a million dollars
Carrie-Its the same thing!!
Chrissy-Why would bucks be called dollars
Cindy-Back to my story... i didnt win a million dollars i won 4 tickets to go to Hawii for week!! We are leaving Saturday!
Chrissy-Thats GREAT!!
Carrie-Wonderful, but u said that their are 4 tickets, who are we gonna give the other ticket to?????
Find out next epsiode who's going on Cindy's Trip
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I dunno, whats going to be here, Check back soon
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Check here for the Newest fanfic " the apartment"